Three steps to success

Three steps to success
In the world we live in today success is simply define as probably how much cars you own, how much gold chains you wear, the kind of shoes and clothes we put on, the world has glamorized material things to become our supposed output for success which is quite true but success has not been defined yet because the cars, cloths, luxuries and all of that are its output and if you set your mind so much on this outputs you would discover at the end of the day that you were dreaming you were only looking at the price of the competition, you will discover that you looked at the price to an extent that you forgot about the competition.
I will define success at the end of this article.
This means that if you do not follow the right directions to success then you will always look at the output of success which will never be yours, I want you to know that success to some people is a dream and to some people a reality, hope you are not the dreamer?
The number one step to success is

1. Time: This is an essential step to success which is not hard to follow at all, time is a step that only needs human beings to be aware of the fact that it waits for no one, the fact that you cannot stop or reverse it like in the movies, time wants everyone to agree with it, it wants everyone to know that everyone has an irreplaceable chance to make use of it. As a success craving individual you need to know that time is the number one key to success because if you can time your life journey and give yourself a target in life then you will always work with time. There is only one thing that kills success in respect to time and that thing is reluctance. Reluctance has killed so many successes, reluctance goes into the minds of young individuals to give them comfort, relaxation and ease about everything around them and gradually it puts them it lays a lazy bed for these individuals and before they discover anything it's already time up and the go on crying out their lives to frustration saying they had no time making it look as if they never wasted time. Time will never give you a second chance in life, human beings can forgive your failure but time will Not because it is in no position to do so. If you want to succeed make efficient use of time because who knows? It might just say time up.

2. Priority: A success story is accompanied by the ability to set your priorities right. Your ability to differentiate the first from the second and the second from the third is your second step to success and a step from failure. Definitely if an Individual does not succeed then that individual has failed because the destination was not reached and the goal was not achieved. As a success craving individual failure should not be on your list of options and also on your list of options there should be no alternative, success must be the only item on that list of yours. If you can be able to prioritize your entire journey to success then I promise you that you will not need to learn from mistakes because there will be no mistakes. If you are able to set your mind on the most very important things and leave the less important things pending then you will discover that you will successfully satisfy the most important thing and in subsequent time you would be able to satisfy the less important things also which would result to you handling your life in order of priority, which takes you a step closer to success. I want you to know that just one wrong handling of priorities can result to a loss of direction on the road to success which means that you need to get used to your priorities in other to get used to success when you finally get there to avoid it getting into your head. Priorities are agents to success because when you satisfy the most important things first you have satisfied your mind and inner self for a very long time, your priorities are the ones that bear successful fruits because they are your essential needs and not your wants, they are your valuable desires. If you want to succeed you have to plan your life in the order of priorities because an individual that doesn't plan before making certain decisions has lost success forever. You have not lost success yet because you are an individual who works with priority because there is no success without priority. Be thoughtful and

3. Think: achieving success has to do with a lot of thinking, not just any thought though but thoughts that actually relate to your success destination. Sometimes it is necessary to have dreams about you reaching your success destination than not have any success related dreams at all because these dreams show at least a little anxiety to succeed. The truth is, whatever you occupy your mind with definitely your life would work towards it some way somehow because your mind has been reminiscing on those thoughts. Thinking is a key to success because it provokes your heart and there after your body to act. Do not occupy your thoughts with women if your dream is to become a great mathematician in the future because women and mathematics are like cat and rats in your mind they can’t stay together one person has to go Its either you let your dream go or you let the women go, I think you just have to let the women go and pay much attention to Mathematics in other  to achieve your goal and reach your destination because the women are always there and in fact the beautiful ones are yet to be born, if you happen to reach your future dream one day you could decide to chase the women but before then i  urge you to chase your dream to the finish. In essence I am trying to say that your should be your one and only thought now apart from God because no other thought deserves to ruin your whole life and hinder you from reaching you destiny. What you think about is what you will achieve so always remember to think success all your life and also do success roads all the time. Finally I will define success. Success can be define as the proper use of time, proper prioritizing and proper thinking to achieve a goal in life.


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